phpMiniAdmin for MySQL


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If you like phpMiniAdmin - buy me a beer!

phpminiadmin - extremely lightweight alternative to heavy phpMyAdmin for quick and easy access MySQL databases.

Instead of installing huge phpMyAdmin (~11Mb) and trying to figure out how to use all it's features,
just upload one ~30Kb file and it's ready to use!

And due to it's simplicity script really fast and need just a little server resources! (your hosting provider will be glad ;)

Some Testimonials
"...Access Your Database And Perform The Same Functions As You Could With phpMyAdmin -- Yet 10x Faster and Easier"
Web 2.0 goodies
"I now use phpMiniAdmin almost exclusively. It's extremely light weight, fast and has LOTS of neat features. It provides everything I need 99.9% of the time. And it's easier to configure then phpMyAdmin."
"We have successfully integrated phpMiniAdmin with our MySQL server. phpMiniAdmin should be at least 10X as fast as the traditional phpMyAdmin. Although phpMyAdmin will be still available, we believe that you will have better experiences with phpMiniAdmin..."
"I was just looking around the web for a light-weight MySQL script and I found phpminiadmin. It is a small (10kb?) single page script that is WAY faster than using phpMyAdmin or even SQLite."
"...I like this little nifty thing"
Arief Bayu Purwanto
"For most of the time, when doing freelance, I have to work with mysql. Given the various server panel available out there, it's quite difficult to find how to access mysql data. This has been my case until recently, when I found PHPMiniAdmin...
...Look at all those features. Pretty complete huh?, for one file mysql administation tools."
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